If you are a Fitch Learning candidate and unsuccessful in your CFA® Program exam attempt, you can benefit from our Pass Guarantee.
50% off all full tuition packages
Our pass guarantee offers 50% off the cost of our fees for your next exam attempt.
- Only valid for courses towards the next available exam sitting LI = December and June, LII and LIII = June
- Offer not valid on stand-alone 2-day review courses
- Offer only applies to candidates who have studied with Fitch Learning and sat the relevant exam
- 50% discount does not apply to cost of study texts or materials where relevant
- Fitch Learning's interpretation of these conditions shall be binding
- Fitch Learning reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any given time
- This offer is not available in conjunction with any other Fitch Learning offers
Free online learning course until you pass*
If you are unsuccessful in your CFA Program exam attempt, you will receive access to our online learning portal completely free of charge.
NOTE: Access is not automatically given to candidates that failed/did not attend their exam, you must submit a request. To request free online access for any level, please email clientservices@fitchlearning.com. Confirmation of your access will be sent to you once your portal is live.
- Valid for Fitch Learning delegates only
- FREE portal access includes online only (no classroom elements or global helpdesk)
- Offer does not include study texts for the CFA Program exam
- Fitch Learning's interpretation of these conditions shall be binding
- Fitch Learning reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any given time
- This offer is not available in conjunction with any other Fitch Learning offers
* Region and country specific. Contact us to see if your location qualifies.